Thursday 17 January 2013

Introduction about CF and our goals for 2013!

Welcome! We have chosen to write this blog to inform those politically minded people of what the Conservative Future Branch on the Isle of Wight is up to. Nationally our main goals and principles as a party is:

  • "To advance the principles and policies of the Party amongst people under the age of 30 and those studying at institutions of higher and further education."
  • "To recruit members to the Party"
  • "To represent and promote the interests and profile of Party members under the age of 30"
  • "To work for the election of Conservative Candidates in local, regional, national and European elections.
As a strong and active branch we hold this principles closely to our hearts and work towards maintaining them throughout the year. 

With six active members we are formally structured and as a a result exceed in fundraising events and helping within the community. This year we have five events we are aiming to complete, as well as looking at completing our social action task. In between this we will be helping local branches during the elections, in order to stand by our principles.

Looking at events for this year, we have attempted to be different from the usual fundraising events. For this reason we have set in place:

  • "Good Friday Fish and Chip Evening"
  • "Mad Hatters BBQ"
  • "Quiz Night"
  • "Xmas Coffee Morning Extravaganza"
Perhaps our most exciting and original event this year will be our combined event with a local IWCA branch to produce a "Sixties meet the Naughties Night" This will see the two musical eras combine for one night, with fancy dress from both periods. 

Furthermore, as CF we are obliged to undertake a social action project each year. This can range from a safer streets campaign, the energy saving and the cleaner society. Living on an Island we have an 'ecoisland' status, therefore we illuminated the prospect of campaigning for saving energy. For us as a group the most important aspect of social action is clearing up beaches ready for the summer. Thus we aim to select areas around the Island beaches to clean during springtime to prepare for the summer.  If anyone has a request for a beach that needs cleaned on the Island please get in contact with the Isle of Wight Conservative Association and we will be willing to investigate and if needed clean up!

Best Wishes for the New Year!

Conservative Future Isle of Wight

photo taken by bobbylockphotography